Seite 126 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Chapter 19—Home Education
The work of the mother is an important one. Amid the homely
cares and trying duties of everyday life, she should endeavor to exert
an influence that will bless and elevate her household. In the children
committed to her care, every mother has a sacred charge from the
heavenly Father; and it is her privilege, through the grace of Christ,
to mold their characters after the divine pattern, to shed an influence
over their lives that will draw them toward God and heaven. If mothers
had always realized their responsibility, and made it their first purpose,
their most important mission, to fit their children for the duties of
this life and for the honors of the future immortal life, we would not
see the misery that now exists in so many homes in our land. The
mother’s work is such that it demands continual advancement in her
own life, in order that she may lead her children to higher and still
higher attainments. But Satan lays his plans to secure the souls of
both parents and children. Mothers are drawn away from the duties of
home and the careful training of their little ones, to the service of self
and the world. Vanity, fashion, and matters of minor importance are
allowed to absorb the attention, and the physical and moral education
of the precious children is neglected.
If she makes the customs and practices of the world her criterion,
the mother will become unfitted for the responsible duties of her lot. If
fashion holds her in bondage, it will weaken her powers of endurance,
and make life a wearing burden instead of a blessing. Through physical
weakness she may fail to appreciate the value of the opportunities that
are hers, and her family may be left to grow up without the benefit
of her thought, her prayers, and her diligent instruction. If mothers
would only consider the wonderful privileges that God has given them,
they would not be so easily turned aside from their sacred duties to the
trivial affairs of the world.
The mother’s work begins with the babe in her arms. I have often
seen the little one throw itself and scream, if its will was crossed in any
way. This is the time to rebuke the evil spirit. The enemy will try to