Seite 14 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
will for his beast. A child may be so trained as to have, like the beast,
no will of his own. Even his individuality may be merged in the one
who superintends his training; his will, to all intents and purposes, is
subject to the will of the teacher.
Children who are thus educated will ever be deficient in moral
energy and individual responsibility. They have not been taught to
move from reason and principle; their wills have been controlled by
another, and the mind has not been called out, that it might expand and
strengthen by exercise. They have not been directed and disciplined
with respect to their peculiar constitutions and capabilities of mind, to
put forth their strongest powers when required. Teachers should not
stop here, but should give special attention to the cultivation of the
weaker faculties, that all the powers may be brought into exercise, and
carried forward from one degree of strength to another, that the mind
may attain due proportions.
There are many families of children who appear to be well trained,
while under the training discipline; but when the system which has
held them to set rules is broken up, they seem to be incapable of
thinking, acting, or deciding for themselves. These children have been
so long under iron rule, not allowed to think and act for themselves
in those things in which it was highly proper that they should, that
they have no confidence in themselves to move out upon their own
judgment, having an opinion of their own. And when they go out
from their parents to act for themselves, they are easily led by others’
judgment in the wrong direction. They have not stability of character.
They have not been thrown upon their own judgment as fast and as
far as practicable, and therefore their minds have not been properly
developed and strengthened. They have so long been absolutely con-
trolled by their parents that they rely wholly upon them; their parents
are mind and judgment for them.
On the other hand, the young should not be left to think and act
independently of the judgment of their parents and teachers. Children
should be taught to respect experienced judgment, and to be guided
by their parents and teachers. They should be so educated that their
minds will be united with the minds of their parents and teachers, and
so instructed that they can see the propriety of heeding their counsel.
Then when they go forth from the guiding hand of their parents and