Seite 140 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
themes for contemplation, a more interesting subject for thought, than
the sublime truths unfolded in the Bible? These truths will do a
mighty work for man, if he will but follow what they teach. But how
little the Bible is studied! Every unimportant thing is dwelt upon in
preference to its themes. If the Bible were read more, if its truths were
better understood, we should be a far more enlightened and intelligent
people. Angels from the world of light stand by the side of the earnest
seeker after truth, to impress and illuminate his mind. He who is
dark of understanding may find light through an acquaintance with the
Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 123-26
, 1890.
For Additional Reading
1890 The Literal Week P. & P. pp. 111—1161890 The Schools
of the Prophets “ “ 592—602 1891, Mar. 31 Teach by Precept and
Example Review & Herald 1891, Sept. 15 The Mother’s Work “ ”
1892 “ A Knowledge of God” Steps to Christ, pp. 89—96