Seite 155 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Treasures With Which to Store the Mind
bestowed upon us; if we sincerely desire and unwaveringly believe, the
bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness will shine into our minds,
and illuminate our darkened understanding. Jesus is the Light that
lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He is the Light of the
world, and He bids us come unto Him, and learn of Him. Jesus was
the great Teacher. He could have made disclosures on the sciences
that would have placed the discoveries of the greatest men in the
background as utter littleness; but this was not His mission or His
work. He had come to seek and to save that which was lost, and He
could not permit Himself to be turned from His one object. He allowed
nothing to divert Him. This work He has given into our hands. Shall
we do it?
In the days of Christ the established teachers instructed men in the
traditions of the fathers, in childish fables, mingled with the opinions
of those who they thought were high authorities. Yet neither high nor
low could discern any ray of light in their teaching. What wonder was
it that crowds followed in the footsteps of the Lord, and gave Him
homage as they listened to His words! He revealed truths that had
been buried under the rubbish of error, and He freed them from the
exactions and traditions of men, and bade them stand fast forever. He
rescued truth from its obscurity, and set it in its proper framework,
to shine in its original luster. He addressed men in His own name;
for authority was vested in Himself, and why should men, professing
to be His followers, not speak with authority concerning subjects on
which He has given light? Why take inferior sources of instruction
when Christ is the great Teacher who knows all things? Why present
inferior authors to the attention of students, when He whose words are
spirit and life invites, “Come, ... and learn of Me”?
Shall we not be intensely interested in the lessons of Christ? Shall
we not be charmed with the new and glorious light of heavenly truth?
This light is above everything that man can present. We can receive
light only as we come to the cross and present ourselves at the altar of
sacrifice. Here man’s weakness is made manifest; here His strength is
revealed. Here men see there is power in Christ to save to the uttermost
all that come unto God by Him.
Shall we not be doers of the words of Him who knows all things?
Shall we not make the Bible the man of our counsel in the education
and training of our youth? The word of God is the foundation of all