Seite 157 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Chapter 24—The Science of Salvation the First of
The schools established among us are matters of grave responsi-
bility; for important interests are involved. In a special manner our
schools are a spectacle unto angels and to men. A knowledge of sci-
ence of all kinds is power, and it is in the purpose of God that advanced
science shall be taught in our schools as a preparation for the work that
is to precede the closing scenes of earth’s history. The truth is to go to
the remotest bounds of the earth, through agents trained for the work.
But while the knowledge of science is a power, the knowledge which
Jesus in person came to impart to the world was the knowledge of the
gospel. The light of truth was to flash its bright rays into the uttermost
parts of the earth, and the acceptance or rejection of the message of
God involved the eternal destiny of souls.
The plan of salvation had its place in the counsels of the Infinite
from all eternity. The gospel is the revelation of God’s love to men, and
means everything that is essential to the happiness and well-being of
humanity. The work of God in the earth is of immeasurable importance,
and it is Satan’s special object to crowd it out of sight and mind, that he
may make his specious devices effectual in the destruction of those for
whom Christ died. It is his purpose to cause the discoveries of men to
be exalted above the wisdom of God. When the mind is engrossed with
the conceptions and theories of men to the exclusion of the wisdom of
God, it is stamped with idolatry. Science, falsely so called, has been
exalted above God, nature above its Maker, and how can God look
upon such wisdom?
In the Bible the whole duty of man is defined. Solomon says,
“Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of
man.” The will of God is revealed in His written word, and this is the
essential knowledge. Human wisdom, familiarity with the languages
of different nations, is a help in the missionary work. An understanding
of the customs of the people, of the location and time of events, is
practical knowledge; for it aids in making the figures of the Bible clear,