Seite 161 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Chapter 25—Christian Character Exemplified in
Teachers and Students
In the name of my Master I appeal to the young men and women
who claim to be sons and daughters of God, to obey the word of God.
I appeal to teachers in our schools to set a right example to those with
whom they are associated. Those who would be qualified to mold the
character of the youth, must be learners in the school of Christ, that they
may be meek and lowly of heart, as was the divine Pattern. In dress,
in deportment, in all their ways, they should exemplify the Christian
character, revealing the fact that they are under wise disciplinary rules
of the great Teacher. The Christian youth should be in earnest, trained
to bear responsibilities with brave heart and willing hand. He should
be ready to encounter the trials of life with patience and fortitude. He
should seek to form a character after the model of the divine One,
following maxims of worth, confirming himself in habits that will
enable him to win the victor’s crown.
In school life the youth may sow seeds which will bear a harvest,
not of thorns, but of precious grain for the heavenly garner. There
is no time more favorable than the time spent in school in which to
acknowledge the power of Christ’s saving grace, to be controlled by
the principles of the divine law, and it is for the student’s interest to
live a godly life. The crowning glory of life results from a connection
with Christ. No man liveth unto himself. Your life is interwoven with
all others in the common web of humanity, and you are to be laborers
together with God for the salvation of those who perish in degradation
and woe. You are to be instruments in influencing all those with whom
you associate to a better life, to direct the mind to Jesus.
John writes: “I have written unto you, young men, because ye are
strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome
the wicked one.” And Paul exhorts Titus to bid the young men to “be
sober-minded.” Elevate your soul to be as was Daniel, a loyal, steadfast
servant of the Lord of hosts. Ponder well the path of your feet; for
you are standing on holy ground, and the angels of God are about