Seite 167 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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World By Wisdom Knew Not God
marvel that the love of God does not awaken them, and lead them to
pour forth melodious strains of gratitude and adoration. But the result
which all heaven looks to behold is not seen among those who profess
to be followers of Christ. How readily do we speak in endearing words
of our friends and relatives, and yet how slow we are to speak of Him
whose love has no parallel, set forth in Christ crucified among you.
The love of our heavenly Father in the gift of His only-begotten
Son to the world, is enough to inspire every soul, to melt every hard,
loveless heart into contrition and tenderness; and yet shall heavenly
intelligences see in those for whom Christ died, insensibility to His
love, hardness of heart, and no response of gratitude and affection to
the Giver of all good things? Shall affairs of minor importance absorb
the whole power of the being, and the love of God meet no return?
Shall the Sun of Righteousness shine in vain? In view of what God
has done, could His claims be less upon you? Have we hearts that can
be touched, that can be impressed with divine love? Are we willing
to be chosen vessels? Has not God His eye upon us, and has He not
bidden us to send forth His message of light? We need an increase of
faith. We must wait, we must watch, we must pray, we must work,
pleading that the Holy Ghost may be poured out upon us abundantly,
that we may be lights in the world.
Jesus looked upon the world in its fallen state with infinite pity. He
took humanity upon Himself that He might touch and elevate humanity.
He came to seek and to save that which was lost. He reached to the
very depth of human misery and woe, to take man as He found him,
a being tainted with corruption, degraded with vice, depraved by sin,
and united with Satan in apostasy, and elevate him to a seat upon
His throne. But it was written of Him that “He shall not fail nor be
discouraged,” and He went forth in the path of self-denial and self-
sacrifice, giving us an example that we should follow in His steps. We
should work as did Jesus, departing from our own pleasure, turning
away from Satan’s bribes, despising ease, and abhorring selfishness,
that we may seek and save that which is lost, bringing souls from
darkness into light, into the sunshine of God’s love. We have been
commissioned to go forth and preach the gospel to every creature. We
are to bring to the lost the tidings that Christ can forgive sin, can renew
the nature, can clothe the soul in the garments of His righteousness,