Seite 171 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Relation of Education to the Work of God
comply with the terms of salvation. God designs that His grace should
be made manifest in the believer, that through the Christlike character
of individual members, the church may become the light of the world.
Let parents make every possible effort to send their children to the
school that will soon open in Melbourne; for through this very means,
it may be that members of your own family will be qualified of the
Lord to become workers in His cause. There are many openings for
missionaries in Australia, New Zealand, and the islands of the sea.
And it will not be possible to supply laborers from America to fill all
the many openings. Workers must be educated in these fields, who
can take up the work, and go forth as light-bearers to the dark places
of these lands. Not many can go to America to obtain an education;
and even if they could go, it might not be best for them, or for the
advancement of the work. The Lord would have schools established in
this country to educate workers, to give character to the work of present
truth in these new fields, and to awaken an interest in unbelievers. He
would have you make a center for education in your own country,
where students of promise may be educated in practical branches, and
in the truths of the Bible, that they may be prepared to work in these
lands, rescuing souls from the bondage of Satan. Teachers may come
from America, until the work is fairly established, and by this means a
new bond of union may be formed between America and Australia,
New Zealand, and the islands of the sea.
There are youth in these countries whom God has graciously en-
dowed with mental ability; but in order to do their best work, their
powers must be properly directed. They should use their God-given
talents for the attainment of high scholarship, becoming workmen that
need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, wise unto
salvation. This talent needs developing, and since a school is about to
be established here, it certainly is not wisdom to send pupils at so great
expense to America. The work is to be done here. This is missionary
ground, and every individual who is thought worthy of the education
that our American schools could give, should obtain an education right
here on the ground of their future labors. Those who have ability can
be trained here so that they can put their knowledge into practical use
at the earliest opportunity, and become agents in the hands of the Lord
for the dissemination of light and truth.