Seite 180 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
the value of the offering there made. Jesus says to all believers, “Ye
are My witnesses.” “Ye are laborers together with God.” This being
true, how earnestly should each one strive to make use of every power
to improve every opportunity for becoming efficient that he may be
“not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord.”
Every talent that has been given to men is to be exercised that
it may increase in value, and all the improvement must be rendered
back to God. If you are defective in manner, in voice, in education,
you need not always remain in this condition. You must continually
strive that you may reach a higher standard both in education and in
religious experience, that you may become teachers of good things.
As servants of the great King, you should individually realize that you
are under obligation to improve yourselves by observation, study, and
by communion with God. The word of God is able to make you wise,
to guide and make you perfect in Christ. The blessed Saviour was
a faultless pattern for all His followers to imitate. It is the privilege
of the child of God to understand spiritual things, to be able wisely
to manage that which may be intrusted to his charge. God does not
provide a way whereby any one may have an excuse for doing slipshod
work; and yet a great deal of this kind of work has been offered to Him
by those who work in His cause, but it is not acceptable unto Him.
Young men and women, have you, as individuals purchased at
infinite cost, sought to study to show yourselves approved unto God,
workmen which need not be ashamed? Have you brought to God
the precious talent of your voice, and put forth painstaking effort to
speak clearly, distinctly, and readily? However imperfect may be your
manner of utterance, you may correct your faults, and refuse to allow
yourself to have a nasal tone, or to speak in a thick, indistinct way. If
your articulation is distinct and intelligible, your usefulness will be
greatly increased. Then do not leave one defective habit of speech
uncorrected. Pray about the matter, and co-operate with the Holy Spirit
that is working for your perfection. The Lord, who made man perfect
in the beginning, will help you to cultivate your physical and mental
powers, and fit you to bear burdens and responsibilities in the cause of
There are thousands today who are unqualified for the work of the
ministry, who cannot take a position of sacred trust, and are lost to the
cause, because they have failed to value the talents given them of God,