Seite 189 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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To Teachers and Students
other destitute fields of the advantages God would have them privileged
There are too many lords in the school who love to rule over God’s
heritage. There is altogether too little of Christ and too much of self.
But those who are under the dictation of the Spirit of God, who are
under rule to Christ, are ensamples to the flock; and when the Chief
Shepherd shall appear, they shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth
not away.
“Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea,
all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility:
for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. Hum-
ble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may
exalt you in due time.” All your self-uplifting works out the natural
result, and makes you in character such as God will not for a moment
approve. “Without Me,” says Christ, “ye can do nothing.” Work and
teach, work in Christ’s lines, and then you will never work in your own
weak ability, but will have the co-operation of the divine, combined
with the God-given human ability. “Casting all your care upon Him;
for He careth for you. Be sober, be vigilant” [not in kicking football
and in educating yourselves in the objectionable games which ought
to make every Christian blush with mortification at the afterthoughts]
“be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring
lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” Yes, he is on your
playground watching your amusements, catching every soul that he
finds off his guard, sowing his seeds in human minds, and controlling
the human intellect. For Christ’s sake call a halt at the Battle Creek
College, and consider the after-workings upon the heart and the char-
acter and principles, of these amusements copied after the fashion of
other schools. You have been steadily progressing in the ways of the
Gentiles, and not after the example of Jesus Christ. Satan is on the
schoolground; he is present in every exercise in the schoolroom. The
students that have had their minds deeply excited in their games, are
not in the best condition to receive the instruction, the counsel, the
reproof, most essential for them in this life and for the future immortal
Of Daniel and his fellows the Scripture states: “As for these four
children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wis-
dom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.” In what