Seite 194 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Chapter 30—The Best Education and Its Purpose
The best education that can be given to children and youth is that
which bears the closest relation to the future, immortal life. This kind
of education should be given by godly parents, by devoted teachers,
and by the church, to the end that the youth in turn may become zealous
missionaries for either home or foreign fields. They are to be earnestly
instructed in the truths of the Bible, that they may become pillars in the
church, champions for truth, rooted and grounded in the faith. They
are to know whereof they believe, and to have such an experience in
divine things that they will never become betrayers of sacred trusts.
The youth should be educated by precept and example that they
are to be agents for God, messengers of mercy, ready for every good
word and work, that they are to be blessings to those who are ready
to perish. We are in great need of educated ability, and the talents
intrusted to our youth should be consecrated to the service of God,
and employed in His work. There should be men and women who
are qualified to work in the churches and to train our young people
for special lines of work, that souls may be brought to see Jesus. The
schools established by us should have in view this object, and not
be after the order of the denominational schools established by other
churches, or after the order of worldly seminaries and colleges. They
are to be of an altogether higher order, where no phase of infidelity
shall be originated, or countenanced. The students are to be educated
in practical Christianity, and the Bible must be regarded as the highest,
the most important textbook.
There is a great demand in all parts of the world for Christian
teachers and for medical missionaries. In all parts of the field both at
home and abroad, are open doors for those who can do good to body
and soul, presenting the precious light of truth. The past neglect in
this direction must not be perpetuated. Great light has shone upon
our pathway in some directions more than others, and yet our advance
along these very lines has been far behind the light we have had. Many
of our most promising young men and women have offered their best