Seite 197 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Best Education and Its Purpose
elevate our characters. It is His design to fit us for the heavenly courts
But Satan is contending for the souls of men, and casts his hellish
shadow athwart their path, in order that they shall not behold the light.
He would not have them catch a glimpse of the future honor, the eternal
glories, laid up for those who shall be inhabitants of heaven, or have a
taste of the experience that gives a foretaste of the happiness of heaven.
But with the heavenly attractions set before the mind to inspire hope,
to awaken desire, to spur to effort, how can we turn from the prospect,
and choose sin and its wages, which is death?
Those who accept Christ as their Saviour have the promise of the
life that now is, and that which is to come. The human agent owes
no part of his ability to the service of Satan; but his entire allegiance
is due to the infinite and eternal God. The lowliest disciple of Christ
may become an inhabitant of heaven, an heir of God to an inheritance
incorruptible, and that fadeth not away. O that every one might make
choice of the heavenly gift, become an heir of God to that inheritance
whose title is secure from any destroyer, world without end! O, choose
not the world, but choose the better inheritance! Press, urge your way
toward the mark for the prize of your high calling in Christ Jesus.
For Christ’s sake, let the aim of your education be shaped by the
inducements of the better world.—
The Review and Herald, November
21, 1893