Seite 211 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Chapter 34—Formality, Not Organization, an Evil
Evil does not result because of organization, but because of making
organization everything, and vital godliness of little moment. When
form and machinery take the pre-eminence, and a laborious task is
made of carrying on the work that should be done with simplicity,
evil will result, and little will be accomplished in proportion to the
effort put forth. The object of organization is just the reverse of this;
and should we disorganize, it would be like tearing down that which
we have built up. Evil results have been seen, both in the Sabbath
school work and in the missionary society, because of making much
of machinery while vital experience was lost sight of. In many of
the imagined improvements that have been brought in, the mold of
man has been placed upon the work. In the Sabbath school, men and
women have been accepted as officers and teachers, who have not been
spiritually minded, and had no live interest in the work committed to
their care; but matters can be set in order only through the aid of the
Holy Spirit. The same evil has existed for years as now exists in our
churches. Formality, pride, and love of display have taken the place
of true piety and humble godliness. We might see a different order
of things should a number consecrate themselves wholly to God, and
then devote their talents to the Sabbath school work, ever advancing
in knowledge, and educating themselves so that they would be able
to instruct others as to the best methods to employ in the work; but it
is not for the workers to seek for methods by which they can make a
show, consuming time in theatrical performances and musical display,
for this benefits no one. It does no good to train the children to make
speeches for special occasions. They should be won to Christ, and
instead of expending time, money, and effort to make a display, let the
whole effort be made to gather sheaves for the harvest.
Many have seemed to think that all that was essential in Sabbath
school work was to organize the school, and drill the scholars so that
they would act in harmony with a set of ceremonies and forms; and
that if persons could be secured as teachers, the Sabbath school would