Seite 224 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
patience, sympathy and love, binding these children to his heart by the
love of Christ revealed in himself.
This truth can in the highest sense be acted, and exemplified before
the children. “Who can have compassion on the ignorant, and on them
that are out of the way; for that he himself also is compassed with
infirmity. And by reason hereof he ought, as for the people, so also for
himself, to offer for sins.”
Let teachers bear this in mind, and never lose sight of it when
they are inclined to have their feelings stirred against the children
and youth for any misbehavior; let them remember that the angels
of God are looking upon them sorrowfully; for if the children do err
and misbehave, then it is all the more essential that those who are
placed over them as teachers should be able to teach them by precept
and example. In no case are they to lose self-control, to manifest
impatience and harshness, and want of sympathy and love; for these
children are the property of Jesus Christ, and teachers must be very
careful and God-fearing in regard to the spirit they cherish and the
words they utter, for the children will catch the spirit manifested, be it
good or evil. It is a heavy and a sacred responsibility.
There need to be teachers who are thoughtful, considerate of their
own weakness and infirmities and sins, and who will not be oppres-
sive and discourage the children and youth. There needs to be much
praying, much faith, much forbearance and courage, which the Lord is
ready to bestow. For God sees every trial, and a wonderful influence
can be exerted by teachers, if they will practice the lessons which
Christ has given them. But will these teachers consider their own
wayward course, that they make very feeble efforts to learn in the
school of Christ and practice Christlike meekness and lowliness of
heart? The teachers should be themselves in obedience to Jesus Christ,
and ever practicing His words, that they may exemplify the character
of Jesus Christ to the students. Let your light shine in good works, in
faithful watching and caring for the lambs of the flock, with patience,
with tenderness, and the love of Jesus in your own hearts.
To place young men and young women in such a field, who have
not developed a deep, earnest love for God and the souls for whom
Christ died, is making a mistake which will result in the loss of many
precious souls. The teacher needs to be susceptible to the influences
of the Spirit of God. Not one who will become impatient and irritated,