Seite 226 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
through the instrumentality of heavenly angels in continual intercourse
with humanity. This ladder reveals a direct and important channel of
communication with the inhabitants of this earth. The ladder repre-
sented to Jacob the world’s Redeemer, who links earth and heaven
together. Everyone who has seen the evidence and light of truth and
accepts the truth, professing his faith in Jesus Christ, is a missionary in
the highest sense of the word. He is the receiver of heavenly treasures,
and it is his duty to impart them, to diffuse that which he has received.
Then to those who are accepted as teachers in our schools is opened
a field for labor and cultivation, for the sowing of the seed and for the
harvesting of the ripening grain. What can give greater satisfaction
than to be laborers together with God in educating and training the
children and youth to love God and keep His commandments? Lead the
children whom you are instructing in the day school and the Sabbath
school to Jesus. What can give you greater joy than to see children
and youth following Christ, the great Shepherd, who calls, and the
sheep and lambs hear His voice and follow Him? What can spread
more sunshine through the soul of the interested, devoted worker than
to know that his persevering patient labor is not in vain in the Lord,
and to see his pupils have the sunshine of joy in their souls because
Christ has forgiven their sins? What can be more satisfying to the
worker together with God, than to see children and youth receiving the
impressions of the Spirit of God in true nobility of character and in the
restoration of the moral image of God—the children seeking the peace
coming from the Prince of peace? The truth a bondage? Yes, in one
sense; it binds the willing souls in captivity to Jesus Christ, bowing
their hearts to the gentleness of Jesus Christ. O it means so much
more than finite minds can comprehend, to present in every missionary
effort Jesus Christ and Him crucified. “But He was wounded for our
transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of
our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed.” “For
He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might
be made the righteousness of God in Him.” This is to be the burden of
our work. If any one thinks he is capable of teaching in the Sabbath
school or in the day school the science of education, he needs first to
learn the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom, that he
may teach this the highest of all sciences.