Seite 233 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Suspension of Students
to the ruin of the soul. “Rejoiceth not in iniquity.” Mark it. The apostle
meant where there is a cultivation of genuine love for precious souls, it
will be exhibited for those most in need of that patience which suffereth
long and is kind, and will not be ready to magnify a small indiscretion
or direct wrong into large unpardonable offenses, and will not make
capital of others’ misdoings. The love for souls for whom Christ
died will not do that which has been done through misconceptions of
that which was due to the erring, exposing their errors and weakness
before a whole school. How do you think Jesus has looked upon
such transactions? Had He been present He would have said to those
doing these things, “Ye know not the Scriptures nor the power of God.”
For in the Scriptures it is plainly shown how to deal with the erring.
Forbearance, kindly consideration, “Consider thyself lest thou also be
tempted,” would meet the stubborn, obdurate heart. Love of Jesus will
cover a multitude of sins, that they shall not prey upon the offender
neither be exposed to create feelings of every stripe and character
in the human breast of those to whom these errors and mistakes are
laid open, and in the one thus dealt with. He is too often driven to
desperation. His mind is beyond the healing. Now the work is to have
the grace of Christ in the soul which will never, never be guilty of
exposing another’s wrongs, unless it is a positive necessity. Practice in
the line of Christ. The true witness speaks in
Revelation 21:5
. Practice
love. There is nothing in Christianity that is capricious.
If a man will not exercise his arm, it becomes weak and deficient in
muscular strength. Unless the Christian exercises his spiritual powers,
he acquires no strength of character, no moral vigor. Love is a very
precious plant and must be cultivated if it flourishes. The precious
plant of love is to be treated tenderly (practiced), and it will become
strong and vigorous and rich in fruit-bearing, giving expression to
the whole character. A Christlike nature is not selfish, not unkind,
and will not hurt the souls of those who are struggling with Satan’s
temptations. It will enter into the feelings of those who are tempted
that the trials and temptations shall be so managed as to bring out the
gold and consume the dross. This is the practice which God appoints
to all. In this, Christ’s school, all may learn their lessons daily, both
teachers and pupils, to be patient, humble, generous, noble. You will
all have to seek God most earnestly in prayer mingled with living
faith, and the molding hand of God will bring out His own image