Seite 236 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
uplifting, educating influences, leaving him to pick and choose his
own way and course of action without His divine assistance, what
would become of our souls? His constant forgiving love is binding up
our soul’s interest with Himself. O the mightiness of the love of Jesus
overwhelms me as I consider it. The yoke of Christ is easy and His
burden is light. When we enter more entirely into the love of Jesus
by practice, we shall see far different results in our own advancement
as Christians, and in the molding of the character of those brought in
relationship with us. The most difficult business for individuals is the
giving up that which one thinks is his right. Love seeketh not her own.
Heaven-born love strikes deeper than the surface. Love vaunteth not
itself, is not puffed up. Fortified with the grace of Christ love doth
not behave itself unseemly. He that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God.
God is love. We all need love, gentleness, tenderness, compassion,
and forbearance. Expel from the soul every vestige of selfishness or
human dignity.
When all hope was excluded from Adam and Eve in consequence
of transgression and sin, when justice demanded the death of the sinner,
Christ gave Himself to be a sacrifice for the sin of the world. The
world was under condemnation. Christ became substitute and surety
for man. He would give His life for the world, which is represented
as the one lost sheep that had strayed from the fold, whose guilt as
well as helplessness was charged against them and stood in the way,
hindering their return. “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that
He loved us, and sent His Son to be a propitiation for our sins.” “All we
like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way;
and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Every son and
daughter of God, if they have an abiding Saviour will act out Christ.
Every soul that has not an abiding Saviour will reveal the same in
unchristlikeness in character. Love is not cherished and put in exercise.
“Lift Him up, the risen Saviour,” in our words, in our conversation, in
our dealing with the erring.
I know by the burden which is rolled upon me, that many who are
officiating in our schools need themselves to learn in the school of
Christ His meekness, His tender dealing with the erring, His compas-
sion and love. Until they are melted over and the dross separated from
the character they will work at cross purposes. I am deeply grieved
in my heart for serious results which have followed unwise dealings,