Seite 243 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Chapter 38—Students Required to be Workers with
Jesus died for mankind, and in giving His life He exalted humanity
in the scale of moral value with God. The Son of the infinite God
clothed His divinity with humanity, and submitted to the death of the
cross, that He might become a steppingstone by which humanity might
meet with divinity. He made it possible for man to become a partaker
of the divine nature, and escape the corruptions that are in the world
through lust. Christ is continually working to uplift and ennoble man,
and He requires that every soul whom He has redeemed from hopeless
misery, shall co-operate with Him in the great work of saving the lost.
We are not to lay snares and make secret plans to draw souls into
O, if every one could see this matter as it is presented before me in
all its bearings, how soon would they quit with the enemy in his artful
work! How they would despise his measures to bring sin upon the
human family! How they would hate sin with a perfect hatred, as they
consider the fact that it cost the life of heaven’s Commander, in order
that they should not perish, that man should not be bound a hopeless
captive to Satan’s chariot, a degraded slave to his will, a trophy of his
victory and his kingdom.
Who will link up with Satan? Who will wear his badge? Who will
choose him as a captain, and refuse to stand under the blood-stained
banner of the Captain of our salvation? Christ died for every son
and daughter of Adam; and when the Son of God has expressed such
amazing love, making this great sacrifice for the sinner, in order that
through faith in Him he need not perish but have everlasting life, how
can the subject of this great love be indifferent and stand in sin and
disobedience, and not heartily confess Christ without one moment’s
delay? How can any one love to do evil? How can the youth prostitute
their reasoning faculties to Satan, and give their influence to that which
will weaken their own moral power and efficiency? In doing the will
of Him who loves the world, and who gave His only-begotten Son to