Seite 245 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Students Required to be Workers with God
did not make God your strength, because you did not have the faith
that works by love and purifies the soul.
Let every sincere Christian who has a connection with our schools,
be determined to be a faithful servant in the cause of Christ, and help
every student to be faithful, pure, and holy in life. Let every one
who loves God seek to win those who have not yet confessed Christ.
Every day they may exert a silent, prayerful influence, and co-operate
with Jesus Christ, the missionary-in-chief to our world. Let every
soul—man, woman, and youth—grow in excellence of character and
devotion, in purity and holiness, and live with an eye single to the
glory of God, that the enemies of our faith may not triumph. Let there
be such a binding together in the bonds of our holy faith, that our
united influence may be wholly on the Lord’s side, and may work
for the transformation of those with whom we associate. Let it be
made manifest that you have a living connection with God, and are
ambitious for the Master’s glory, seeking to cultivate in yourselves
every grace of character by which you may honor Him who gave His
life for you. May the love of Christ exercise a constraining power to
draw others into the path cast up for the ransomed of the Lord to walk
in. When the students in our schools shall learn to like God’s will,
they will find it comparatively easy to do it.
If students see defects of character in others, let them be thankful
that they have discerned these defects, and therefore may be put on
their guard against them. You will, no doubt, see persons who are not
learning the meekness and lowliness of Christ, but who love display,
and are vain, frivolous, and worldly. The only remedy for such is
to behold Jesus, and by studying His character they will come to
despise everything that is vain and frivolous, weak and mean. The
character of Christ is full of forbearance, patience, goodness, mercy,
and unexampled love. By beholding such a character, they will rise
above the littleness of that which has fashioned and molded them, and
made them unholy and unlovely. They will say, “I have not sat with
vain persons, neither will I go in with dissemblers.” They will realize
that “he that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of
fools shall be destroyed.”
Let every one who is seeking to live a Christian life, remember
that the church militant is not the church triumphant. Those who are
carnally minded will be found in the church. They are to be pitied