Seite 248 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Chapter 39—Words to Students
Every soul is surrounded with an atmosphere peculiar to the in-
dividual. This atmosphere may be full of spiritual malaria that is
poisonous to the principles of righteousness. But when brought into
association with others, it need not take us days or weeks to ascertain
whether the atmosphere of the spirit is of Christ or of Satan. The
influence of association is never stronger than in school life; but the
student who comes to school with an earnest desire to be a help and a
blessing to his fellows, will be careful to cast his influence on the right
side, and seek companions who will join with him in cultivating right
principles and practices.
Students should feel their responsibility in the matter of making
their school life a success. They should bend every effort in the right
direction, so that they may not disappoint their parents or guardians
who work hard to keep them in school, and who are deeply anxious
for their present and eternal welfare. Students should determine that
they will make a record that they will not be ashamed to meet in the
day of judgment. A student who is circumspect in his deportment,
who will not be swayed to the right or left by wrong influences, will
exercise a restraining power over those in the school who take pleasure
in showing their independence, and in engaging in wicked sports in
disobedience to the rules, and who fill the hearts of their teachers with
sorrow and discouragement.
Life is a problem which we must individually work out for our-
selves. No one can form a character for another; we each have a part
to act in deciding our own destiny. We are God’s free, responsible
agents, and each one must work out his own salvation with fear and
trembling, while God works in him to will and to do of His own good
pleasure. Students may do good, or they may do evil, but “whatsoever
a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
We are individually on trial under the proving of God. The in-
telligences of heaven are all enlisted to help every soul who will be
drawn to Jesus, and every true lover of Jesus will co-operate with the