Seite 252 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
thought that what is worth doing at all, is worth doing well. Depend
upon God for wisdom, that you may not discourage one soul in right
doing. Work with Christ in drawing souls to Him. But it will not do
for you, while condemning half-hearted work in others, while pointing
out their errors, to fail to do as well as they do, because you will not
place yourself on the side of right and loyalty. Even though the rules
and regulations seem needlessly exacting, be obedient to them; for
you may err in your experience. Do your very best in everything you
undertake. Jesus is your Saviour, and rely upon Him to help you day
by day, that you may not sow tares, but the good seed of the kingdom.
“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single,
thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy
whole body shall be full of darkness.” As a student, you must learn
to see with your brain as well as your eyes. You must educate your
judgment so that it shall not be feeble and inefficient. You must pray
for guidance, and commit your way unto the Lord. You must close
your heart against all foolishness and sin, and open it to every heavenly
influence. You must make the most of your time and opportunities, in
order to develop a symmetrical character. Fun and folly and indolence
cannot be entertained as your guests, if you copy the pattern, Christ
Jesus, and become daily more intelligent as to what you shall do to be
Youthful students, your life cannot be governed by impulse without
proving an entire failure. You cannot follow your natural inclinations
without meeting with a great loss. If you would move securely, you
must keep the way of the Lord. Your understanding must be refined
and purified; you must work according to God’s plan, or fail to make
a success. You must ever be growing and advancing in grace and
knowledge. You will be able to do nothing acceptably in your school
life without practicing habits of system and order. Haphazard work
will bring certain failure.
You need to study carefully the question of amusements. Ask
yourself, What is the influence of amusements on mind and character,
and on the work which I have come to do? Ask yourself, What bearing
has the question of amusements on my religious life, on my character
as a Christian? Do the games in which you participate, fit you to
engage in prayer and in the service of God? Do they aid you to bring
as much zeal and earnestness into the Lord’s work as you put into