Seite 277 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Chapter 44—Speedy Preparation for the Work
I have been much perplexed for several nights. I am troubled
so that I am unable to sleep well. Things are being urged upon my
attention which I must present before you.
The teachers in our schools at the Sanitarium and College at Battle
Creek must be on guard constantly, lest their plans and management
shall depress and quench the faith of students who have had their hearts
deeply impressed by the Holy Spirit. They have heard the voice of
Jesus saying, “Son, go work today in My vineyard.” They feel the need
of a proper course of study, that they may be prepared to labor for the
Master, and every effort should be made to hasten their advancement;
but the object of their education should be kept constantly in view.
Unnecessary delay should not be advised or allowed. Those persons
who have engaged to help sustain the students during their course of
study suffer great loss both in time and money spent unwisely. These
people have manifested their earnestness and willingness to help; but
they become discouraged as they see the time originally estimated as
being necessary for the students to receive a fitting-up for the work,
prolonged, and still the students are encouraged to take up another
course of study at their expense. Years pass; and still there is urged
upon the students the necessity of more education. This long-drawn-
out process, adding and adding more time, more branches, is one of
Satan’s snares to keep laborers back.
The students themselves would not think of such a delay in entering
the work, if it were not urged upon them by those who are supposed to
be shepherds and guardians, and who are their teachers and physicians.
If we had a thousand years before us, such a depth of knowledge would
be uncalled for, although it might be much more appropriate; but now
our time is limited. It is said, “Today if ye will hear His voice, harden
not your hearts.”
We are not of that class who define the exact period of time that
shall elapse before the coming of Jesus the second time with power
and great glory. Some have set a time, and when that has passed,