Seite 291 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Speedy Preparation for the Work
by their teachers, unless they have most humbly sought wisdom from
God, and have received His guidance and counsel.
Students are authorized to go to school for a certain length of time
in order to acquire scientific knowledge; but in doing this they should
ever consider their physical necessities, and seek their education in
such a way as not to injure in the least the temple of the body. Let them
be sure not to indulge in any sinful practice, not to burden themselves
with too many studies, not to become so absorbed in devotion to
their studies that the truth will be supplanted, the knowledge of God
expelled from the soul, by the inventions of men. Let every moment
that is devoted to study be a moment in which the soul is conscious of
its God-given responsibilities. There will be no need then of enjoining
the students to be true and just, and to preserve their soul’s integrity.
They will breathe a heavenly atmosphere, and every transaction will
be inspired by the Holy Spirit, and equity and righteousness will be
But if the body is neglected, if unsuitable hours are consumed
in study, if the mind is overtaxed, if the physical powers are left
unemployed and become enfeebled, then the human machinery is
trammeled, and matters that are essential for our future welfare and
eternal peace are neglected. Book-knowledge is made all-important,
and God is dishonored. The student forgets the words of inspiration,
and does not follow the instruction of the Lord when He says: “I
beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present
your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your
reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye
transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what
is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.” The minds of
many need to be renewed, transformed, and molded after God’s plan.
Many are ruining themselves physically, mentally, and morally, by
overdevotion to study. They are defrauding themselves for time and
eternity through practicing habits of intemperance in seeking to gain
an education. They are losing their desire to learn, in the school of
Christ, lessons of meekness and lowliness of heart. Every moment that
passes is fraught with eternal results. Integrity will be the sure result
of following in the way of righteousness.
Is it necessary that in order to solve the problem of education one
must commit robbery toward God, and refuse to give God the willing