Seite 293 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Speedy Preparation for the Work
large preparation for the work that these students may be called upon
to do. The same God lives today that Isaiah saw in his vision, and can
give enlightenment to those who are acting a part in the work of fitting
men for a solemn, sacred work. He says: “I the Lord love judgment, I
hate robbery for burnt offering; and I will direct their work in truth,
and I will make an everlasting covenant with them.”
Those who are directing in the work of education are placing too
large an amount of study before those who have come to Battle Creek
to fit up for the work of the Master. They have supposed that it was
necessary for them to go deeper and deeper into educational lines; and
while they are pursuing various courses of study, year after year of
precious time is passing away, and golden opportunities are flitting by
never to return. There is procrastination in setting these men to work;
and students are losing their burden for souls, and are depending more
and more upon an education in book-knowledge, rather than upon
the efficiency of the Holy Spirit, and upon that which the Lord has
promised to do for them.
This burden has been upon me for years. A course is pursued at
Battle Creek such as the Lord does not approve. The end of all things
is at hand. The day of distress, of anguish, of plague, of retribution,
of judgment for sin, is coming on the world as a thief in the night.
The time is near when sudden destruction will come upon the world,
and they will not escape. I have a word of warning for you. You
are viewing things in altogether too feeble a light, and far too much
from a merely human standpoint. A very small portion of God’s great
moral vineyard has yet been worked. Only a few, comparatively, have
received the last message of mercy that is to be given to the world.
Students are led to suppose that their efficiency depends upon their
education and training; but the success of the work does not depend
upon the amount of knowledge men have in scientific studies. The
thought to be kept before students is that time is short, and that they
must make speedy preparation for doing the work that is essential for
this time. Every man, in and through the grace given him of God, is
to do the work, not depending on his human earnestness or ability;
for God can remove human ability in a moment. Let each one in the
strength of the living Saviour, who today is our Advocate in the courts
of heaven, strive to do the will of God.