Seite 300 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
they are advised to take other studies, and to make progress along
additional lines. They are counseled to spend months and years in
institutions where the truth is denied and controverted, and where error
of a most specious, unscriptural character is insidiously introduced.
These doctrines become mingled with their studies. They become
engrossed in advancing in educational lines, and they lose their love
for Jesus; and before they know what is the matter with them, they are
far from God, and are all unprepared to respond to the command, “Go
work today in my vineyard.” The desire for missionary effort is gone.
They pursue their studies with an infatuation that closes the door to
the entrance of Christ. When they graduate, and have full commission
to go out as properly educated students, some have lost all burden for
the work, and are far less prepared to engage in the service of God
than when they came to Battle Creek at first.
The messenger turned to the congregation and said, “Do you be-
lieve the prophecies? Do you who know the truth, understand that the
last message of warning is now being given to the world,—the last
call of mercy is now being heard? Do you believe that Satan has come
down with great power, working with all deceivableness of unrigh-
teousness in every place? Do you believe that great Babylon has come
up in remembrance before God, and that soon she will receive from
God’s hand double for all her sins and iniquities?” Satan is pleased to
have you hold men and women in Battle Creek who should be laborers
together with God in His great moral vineyard. If the enemy can keep
workers out of the field on any pretext, he will do so. This advanced
preparation which keeps talent out of the field gives no chance for
the Lord to work with His workers. Many are led to occupy time,
talent, and means selfishly in obtaining an advanced education, and
at the same time the world is perishing for the knowledge which they
could impart. Christ called the unlearned fishermen, and gave these
men knowledge and wisdom to such a degree that their adversaries
could not gainsay or resist their words. Their testimony has gone to
the uttermost parts of the earth.
The disciples of Christ are not called upon to magnify men, but to
magnify God, the source of all wisdom. Let educators give the Holy
Spirit room to do its work upon human hearts. The greatest Teacher is
represented in our midst by His Holy Spirit. However you may study,
however you may reach higher and still higher, although you occupy