Seite 303 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Speedy Preparation for the Work
supper, for all things are now ready. There will be missionaries who
will do good work in the Master’s vineyard who do not go to Battle
Those who go to Battle Creek meet with temptations that they did
not suppose could exist in that place. They meet with discouragements
which they need not have had, and they are not helped in their religious
experience by going to that place. They lose much time because they
know not what they are to do, and no one is prepared to tell them.
They lose much time in following occupations which have no bearing
upon the work for which they desire to fit themselves. The common
and the sacred work are co-mingled, and stand on a level. But this is
not a wise policy. God looks on and does not approve. Many things
might have been done that would have had lasting influence, had they
worked moderately and in humility in the place where they were. Time
is passing; souls are deciding either for evil or good, and the warfare
is constantly increasing. How many who know the truth for this time
are working in harmony with its principles? It is true that something
is being done; but more, far more, should have been done. The work
is accumulating, and the time for doing the work is diminishing. It is
now time for all to be burning and shining lights; and yet many are
failing to keep their lamps supplied with the oil of grace, and trimmed
and burning so that light may gleam out today.
Too many are counting on a long stretch of a tomorrow; but that
is a mistake. Let every one be educated in such a way as to show
the importance for the special work for today. Let every one work
for God and work for souls; let each one show wisdom, and never be
found in idleness, waiting for someone to come around and set him
to work. The “some one” who could set you to work is overcrowded
with responsibilities and time is lost in waiting for his directions. God
will give you wisdom in reforming at once; for the call is still made,
“Son, go work today in My vineyard.” Some may still be undecided,
yet the call is still heard, “Go work today in My vineyard.” “Today if
ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.” The Lord prefaces the
requirement by the use of the word “son.” How tender, how compas-
sionate, yet withal, how urgent! His invitation to work in His vineyard
is also a command. “What? know ye not that your body is the temple
of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are
not your own? For ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in