Seite 315 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Chapter 47—Books and Authors in Our Schools
I have some matters which I wish to present before you in regard to
education. The teachers in our schools have great respect for authors
and books that are current in most of our educational institutions. All
heaven has been looking upon our institutions of learning, and asking
you, What is the chaff to the wheat? The Lord has given us the most
precious instructions in His word, teaching us what characters we
must form in this life to prepare us for the future, immortal life. It
has been the custom to exalt books and authors that do not present
the proper foundation for true education. From what source did these
authors obtain their wisdom, a large share of which does not deserve
our respect, even if the authors are regarded as being wise men? Have
they taken their lessons from the greatest Teacher that the world ever
knew? If not, they are decidedly in the fault. Those who are preparing
for the heavenly abodes should be recommended to make the Bible
their chief book of study.
These popular authors have not pointed out to the students the way
that leads to eternal life. “And this is life eternal, that they might know
Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent.”
. The authors of the books current in our schools are recommended
and exalted as learned men; their education is in every way deficient,
unless they themselves have been educated in the school of Christ,
and by practical knowledge bear witness to the word of God as the
most essential study for children and youth. “The fear of the Lord is
the beginning of wisdom.” Books should have been prepared to place
in the hands of students that would educate them to have a sincere,
reverent love for truth and steadfast integrity. The class of studies
which are positively essential in the formation of character to give
them a preparation for the future life should be kept ever before them.
Christ should be uplifted as the first great teacher, the only-begotten
Son of God, who was with the Father from eternal ages. The Son
of God was the great teacher sent into the world as the light of the
world. “The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” The Father