Seite 334 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
have but a confused idea of what religion means, the most conspicuous
place and devoted respect, and make the Bible secondary. Those who
have been enlightened in reference to the truth for these last days will
not find instruction in the books generally studied today, in regard to
the things which are coming upon our world; but the Bible is full of
the knowledge of God, and is competent to educate the student for
usefulness in this life and for the eternal life.
Study carefully the first chapter of Hebrews. Become interested
in the Scriptures. Read and study them diligently. “In them ye think
ye have eternal life,” Christ said, “and they are they which testify of
Me.” It means everything to us to have an experimental and individual
knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ, “whom He hath sent.” “For this
is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus
Christ, whom Thou hast sent.”—
Special Testimonies On Education,
March 23, 1896