Seite 336 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
Everything not comprehended in truth is the guesswork of man.
Professedly high and learned men may be fools in the sight of God,
and if so, the high and learned statements of their doctrines, however
they may please and humor the senses, and though they may have been
handed down from age to age, and rocked in the cradle of popular faith,
are a delusion and a falsehood if not found in the inspired lessons of
Christ. He is the source of all wisdom; for He placed Himself directly
on a level with the eternal God. In His humanity the glory of heavenly
illumination fell directly upon Him, and from Him to the world, to be
reflected back by all who receive and believe on Him, mingled with
His perfection of character and the luster of His own character. While
Christ stood forth distinctly in His human personality, and appealed
in striking but simple language to humanity, He was in such perfect
oneness with God that His voice came with authority, as the voice of
God from the center of glory.
In the record John was charged by the Holy Spirit to present, he
says of Christ, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with
God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything
made that was made.” This is the most precious unfolding of definite
truth, flashing its divine light and glory upon all who will receive it.
What more important knowledge can be received than that given in the
Book which teaches of the fall of man and the consequences of that sin
which opened the floodgates of woe upon our world; which teaches
also of the first advent of Christ, a helpless babe, born in a stable and
cradled in a manger. The history of Christ is to be searched, comparing
scripture with scripture, that we may learn the all-important lesson.
What are the terms of salvation? As intelligent agents, invested with
personal attributes and responsibilities, we can know in regard to our
future, eternal destiny; for the Scripture record given by John, at the
dictation of the Holy Spirit, contains no terms that cannot be easily
comprehended, and that will not bear the most searching and critical
Christ was a teacher sent from God, and His words did not contain
a particle of chaff or a semblance of that which is nonessential. But the
force of much human instruction is comprised in assertion, not in truth.
The teachers of the present day can only use the educated ability of
previous teachers; and yet with all the weighty importance which may