Seite 352 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Chapter 54—Importance of Physical Culture
Physical culture is an essential part of all right methods of edu-
cation. The young need to be taught how to develop their physical
powers, how to preserve these powers in the best condition, and how
to make them useful in the practical duties of life. Many think that
these things are no part of school work; but this is a mistake. The
lessons necessary to fit one for practical usefulness should be taught
to every child in the home and to every student in the schools.
The place for physical training to begin is in the home, with the
little child. Parents should lay the foundation for a healthy, happy life.
One of the first questions to be decided is that of the food on their
tables; for this is a matter upon which the development of the little
ones and the health of the family very largely depend. Skill in the
preparation of food is very important, and it is not less important that
the food be of the proper quantity and quality.
We all need to exercise wisdom in eating. If more food is eaten
than can be digested and appropriated, a decaying mass accumulates in
the stomach, causing an offensive breath and a bad taste in the mouth.
The vital powers are exhausted in an effort to throw off the excess, and
the brain is robbed of nerve force. Less food would have nourished
the system, and not wasted its powers in overwork. Yet wholesome
food should be supplied, sufficient in quantity and quality to nourish
the system. If we follow the Bible rule, “Whether therefore ye eat, or
drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God,” we shall not
indulge appetite at the expense of the physical health, which it is our
duty to preserve.
Every mother should see that her children understand their own
bodies, and how to care for them. She should explain the construction
and use of the muscles given us by our kind Heavenly Father. We
are God’s workmanship, and His word declares that we are “fearfully
and wonderfully made.” He has prepared this living habitation for the
mind; it is “curiously wrought,” a temple which the Lord himself has
fitted up for the indwelling of His Holy Spirit. The mind controls the