Seite 356 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Chapter 55—The True Higher Education
God is love. The evil that is in the world comes not from His hands,
but from our great adversary, whose work it has ever been to deprave
man, and enfeeble and pervert his faculties. But God has not left us in
the ruin wrought by the fall. Every faculty has been placed in reach
by our Heavenly Father, that men may, through well-directed efforts,
regain their first perfection, and stand complete in Christ. In this work
God expects us to do our part. We are His—His purchased possession.
The human family cost God and His Son Jesus Christ an infinite price.
The world’s Redeemer, the only-begotten Son of God, by His
perfect obedience to the law, by His life and character, redeemed
that which was lost in the fall, and made it possible for man to obey
that holy law of righteousness which Adam transgressed. Christ did
not exchange His divinity for humanity, but combined humanity with
divinity; and in humanity He lived the law in behalf of the human
family. The sins of every one who will receive Christ were set to His
account, and He has fully satisfied the justice of God.
All the plan of redemption is expressed in these precious words:
“For God so loved the world, that He gave his only-begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting
life.” Christ actually bore the punishment of the sins of the world, that
His righteousness might be imputed to sinners, and through repentance
and faith they might become like Him in holiness of character. He
says, “I bear the guilt of that man’s sins. Let Me take the punishment
and the repenting sinner stand before Thee innocent.” The moment the
sinner believes in Christ, he stands in the sight of God uncondemned;
for the righteousness of Christ is his: Christ’s perfect obedience is
imputed to him. But he must co-operate with divine power, and put
forth his human effort to subdue sin, and stand complete in Christ.
The ransom paid by Christ is sufficient for the salvation of all men;
but it will avail for only those who become new creatures in Christ
Jesus, loyal subjects of God’s everlasting kingdom. His suffering will
not shield from punishment the unrepenting, disloyal sinner.