Seite 360 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
be able to teach the word intelligently. And when it is made the
study book, with earnest supplication for the Spirit’s guidance, and
a full surrender of the heart to be sanctified through the truth, it will
accomplish all that Christ has promised. The result of such Bible
study will be well-balanced minds; for the physical, mental, and moral
powers will be harmoniously developed. There will be no paralysis
in spiritual knowledge. The understanding will be quickened; the
sensibilities will be aroused; the conscience will become sensitive; the
sympathies and sentiments will be purified; a better moral atmosphere
will be created; and a new power to resist temptation will be imparted.
And all, both teachers and students, will become active and earnest in
the work of God.
But there is a disposition on the part of many teachers not to be
thorough in religious education. They are satisfied with a half-hearted
service themselves, serving the Lord only to escape the punishment
of sin. Their half-heartedness affects their teaching. The experience
that they do not desire for themselves, they are not anxious to see their
pupils gain. That which has been given them in blessing has been cast
aside as a dangerous element. The offered visits of the Holy Spirit
are met with the words of Felix to Paul, “Go thy way for this time;
when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.” Other blessings
they desire; but that which God is more willing to give than a father
to give good gifts to his children; that Holy Spirit, which is offered
abundantly according to the infinite fullness of God, and which, if
received, would bring all other blessings in its train,—what words
shall I use sufficiently to express what has been [done] with reference
to it? The heavenly messenger has been repulsed by the determined
will. “Thus far shalt Thou go with my students, but no farther. We
need no enthusiasm in our school, no excitement. We are much better
satisfied to work with the students ourselves.” It is thus that despite
has been done to God’s gracious messenger, the Holy Spirit.
Are not the teachers in our schools in danger of blasphemy, of
charging the Holy Spirit of God with being a deceiving power, and
leading into fanaticism. Where are the educators that choose the snow
of Lebanon which cometh from the rock of the field, or the cold,
flowing waters that come from another place, instead of the murky
waters of the valley? A succession of showers from the living waters
has come to you at Battle Creek. Each shower was a consecrated