Seite 369 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Divine Example
open toward the sun; and in the light of heaven His spiritual nature
waxed strong, and His life made manifest the wisdom and grace of
Every child may gain knowledge as Jesus did, from the works
of nature and the pages of God’s holy word. As we try to become
acquainted with our Heavenly Father through His word, angels will
come near, our minds will be strengthened, our character will be
elevated and refined, and we shall become more like our Saviour. And
as we behold the beautiful and grand in nature, our affections go out
after God; while the spirit is awed, the soul is invigorated by coming
in contact with the Infinite through His works. Communion with
God through prayer develops the mental and moral faculties, and the
spiritual powers strengthen as we cultivate thoughts upon spiritual
The life of Jesus was a life in harmony with God. While He was
a child, He thought and spoke as a child, but no trace of sin marred
the image of God within Him. From the first dawning of intelligence
He was continually growing in heavenly grace, and knowledge of
Special Testimonies on Education, 159