Seite 372 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
Let not man’s assertions be considered as truth when they are con-
trary to the word of God. The Lord God, the Creator of the heavens
and the earth, the source of all wisdom, is second to none. But those
supposed great authors, who give to our schools their textbooks for
study, are received and glorified, even though they have no vital con-
nection with God. By such study man has been led away from God
into forbidden paths; minds have been wearied to death through unnec-
essary work in trying to obtain that which is to them as the knowledge
which Adam and Eve disobeyed God in obtaining. If Adam and Eve
had never touched the tree of knowledge, they would have been where
the Lord could impart to them knowledge from His word, knowledge
which would not have had to be left behind with the things of this
world, but which they could carry with them to the paradise of God.
But today young men and women spend years and years in acquiring
an education which is but wood and stubble, to be consumed in the
last great conflagration. Many spend years of their life in the study of
books, obtaining an education that will die with them. Upon such an
education God places no value. This supposed wisdom gained from
the study of different authors, has excluded and lessened the brightness
and value of the word of God. Many students have left school unable
to receive the word of God with the reverence and respect that they
gave it before they entered, their faith eclipsed in the effort to excel
in the various studies. The Bible has not been made a standard matter
in their education, but books mixed with infidelity and propagating
unsound theories have been placed before them.
There is nothing so ennobling and invigorating as a study of the
great themes which concern our eternal life. Let students seek to grasp
these God-given truths; let them seek to measure these precious things,
and their minds will expand and grow strong in the effort. But a mind
crowded with a mass of matter it will never be able to use, is a mind
dwarfed and enfeebled, because only put to the task of dealing with
commonplace material. It has not been put to the task of considering
the high, elevated disclosures coming from God.
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting
life.” As the mind is summoned to the consideration of these great
themes, it will rise higher and higher in the comprehension of these