Seite 375 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Bible the Most Important Book for Education in Our Schools
their iniquity is presented before others by their precept and example.
Thus other eyes are blinded, and those who ought to walk in the light,
are walking in darkness; for they do not steadfastly behold Jesus, the
Light of the world.
Great light was given to the Reformers, but many of them re-
ceived the sophistry of error through misinterpretation of the Scriptures.
These errors have come down through the centuries, but although they
be hoary with age, yet they have not behind them a “Thus saith the
Lord.” For the Lord has said, I will not “alter the thing that is gone out
of My lips.” In His great mercy the Lord has permitted still greater light
to shine in these last days. To us He has sent His message, revealing
His law and showing us what is truth.
In Christ is the fountain of all knowledge. In Him our hopes of
eternal life are centered. He is the greatest teacher the world has ever
known, and if we desire to enlarge the minds of the children and youth,
and win them, if possible, to a love of the Bible, we should fasten
their minds upon the plain and simple truth, digging out that which
has been buried beneath the rubbish of tradition, and letting the jewels
shine forth. Encourage them to search into these subjects, and the
effort put forth will be an invaluable discipline. The unfolding of
God, as represented in Jesus Christ, furnishes a theme that is grand to
contemplate, and that will, if studied, sharpen the mind, and elevate
and ennoble the faculties. As the human agent learns these lessons in
the school of Christ, trying to become as Christ was, meek, and lowly
of heart, he will learn the most useful of all lessons,—that intellect is
supreme only as it is sanctified by a living connection with God.
The warning and instruction given in the word of God with regard
to false shepherds, should have some weight with the teachers and
students in our schools. Advice should be given to the students not
to take such shepherds as their highest authority. What need is there
for students to bind off their education by attending at Ann Arbor to
receive the finishing touch? It has proved to be the finishing touch to
very many as far as spirituality and belief in the truth are concerned.
It is unnecessary discipline, opening the mind to the sowing of tares
among the wheat; and it is not pleasing to our Great Teacher thus to
glorify teachers who have not ears to hear or minds to comprehend a
plain “Thus saith the Lord.” In thus honoring those who are educating
directly away from the truth, we do not meet the approval of God.