Seite 378 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Chapter 59—Correct School Discipline
We had in the school in-----unruly students, who were disposed to
disregard the instructions given from the word of God, and by their
course of action betray sacred trusts. The Lord looked down from
heaven upon them, and beheld their deceptive practices, and their
false denial of their actions. They were labored for faithfully; but
they were altogether too near the city, and temptations were constantly
arising. They forgot to be true and loyal to God’s holy law. They
transgressed His commandments. They were infatuated, and revealed
that as students they had not moral integrity to be true. There seemed to
be a Satanic agency at work to discourage the teachers and demoralize
the school. Some acting as teachers did not exert a correct influence.
When every jot of influence should have been placed on the side of
discipline and order, these teachers, though knowing all the trials
that disorderly students were bringing upon the principal and his co-
workers, who were burdened and oppressed, and who were seeking the
Lord most earnestly, showed sympathy for the ones who were serving
the enemy most earnestly. The students—the wrongdoers—knew this.
A few took courage to brave out their wrong course of action, until it
was brought home so strongly to them that they acknowledged that
they had disobeyed the rules of the school, and had then tried to hide
behind falsehood.
The school faculty held private consultations to consider what was
best to be done. There was a voice in these counsels that tried to
counterwork the plans introduced to keep discipline and order. By
this sympathizing voice indiscreet words were dropped to the students
in reference to the matters under consideration in the council. These
things were caught up by the students. They thought that such a teacher
was all right; that she was a clever teacher. She would have sympathy
for the wrongdoer. Thus the hands of those carrying a heavy load
were not strengthened, but weakened. The efforts made to repress
evil were looked upon as harsh and uncharitable. “Young folks must
have their jolly times,” was repeated, with other insipid speeches. A