Seite 391 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Bible in Our Schools
and petty interests, to gratify worldly ambition, they rejected the Son
of God. Time is passing. We are nearing the great crisis of this earth’s
history. If teachers continue to close their eyes to the necessities of
the time in which we are living, they should be disconnected from the
Many of the instructors in the schools of the present day are prac-
ticing deception by leading their students over a field of study that is
comparatively useless, that takes time, study, and means that should
be used to gain that higher education that Christ came to give. He took
upon Him the form of humanity, that He might lift the mind from the
lessons men deemed essential to lessons which involve eternal results.
He saw the world wrapped in satanic deception. He saw men earnestly
following their own imagination, thinking they had gained everything
if they had found how they might be called great in the world. But
they gained nothing but death. Christ took His stand in the highways
and byways of this earth, and looked upon the crowd eagerly seeking
for happiness, thinking that in every new scheme they had discovered
how they might be gods in this world. Christ pointed men upward,
telling them that the only true knowledge is a knowledge of God and of
Christ. This knowledge will bring peace and happiness in this present
life, and will secure God’s free gift, eternal life. He urged His hearers,
as men possessing reasoning powers, not to lose eternity out of their
reckoning. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness,”
He said, “and all these things shall be added unto you.” You are then
co-workers with God. For this I have bought you with My suffering,
humiliation, and death.
The great lesson to be given to the youth is that, as worshipers
of God, they are to cherish Bible principles, and hold the world as
subordinate. God would have all instructed as to how they can work the
works of Christ, and enter in through the gates into the heavenly city.
We are not to let the world convert us; we are to strive most earnestly
to convert the world. Christ has made it our privilege and duty to stand
up for Him under all circumstances. I beg of parents to place their
children where they will not be bewitched by a false education. Their
only safety is in learning of Christ. He is the great central Light of the
world. All other lights, all other wisdom, are foolishness.
Men and women are the purchase of the blood of God’s only-
begotten Son. They are Christ’s property, and their education and