Seite 403 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Special Testimony Relating To Politics
He says, “by standing as My chosen heritage, as a people zealous of
good works.” Do not take part in political strife. Separate from the
world, and refrain from bringing into the church or school ideas that
will lead to contention or disorder. Dissension is the moral poison
taken into the system by human beings who are selfish. God wants
His servants to have clear perceptions, true and noble dignity, that
their influence may demonstrate the power of truth. The Christian
life is not to be a haphazard, emotional life. True Christian influence,
exerted for the accomplishment of the work God has appointed, is a
precious agency, and it must not be united with politics, or bound up
in a confederacy with unbelievers. God is to be the center of attraction.
Every mind that is worked by the Holy Spirit will be satisfied with
God calls upon the teachers in our schools not to become interested
in the study of political questions. Take the knowledge of God into our
schools. Your attention may be called to worldly wise men, who are
not wise enough to understand what the Scriptures say in regard to the
laws of God’s kingdom; but turn from these to Him who is the source
of all wisdom. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
Make this first and last. Seek most earnestly to know Him whom to
know aright is life eternal. Christ and His righteousness is the salvation
of the soul. Teach the little children what obedience and submission
means. In our schools science, literature, painting, and music, and
all that the world’s learning can teach are not to be made first. Let
the knowledge of Him in whom our eternal life is centered come first.
Plant in the hearts of the students that which will adorn the character
and fit the soul, through sanctification of the Spirit, to learn lessons
from the greatest Teacher the world has ever known. Thus students
will be fitted to be heirs of the kingdom of God.—June 16, 1899.
For Additional Reading
1899, June 22, 29 God’s Purpose Con
cerning Our Youth To-day
Youth’s Instructor 1899, August 10 Marriages, Wise and Unwise “ ”
1899, August 17 Self-culture “ ” 1899, August 31 True Education “ ”
1899 Need of Reform in Our Educational Work G. C. Bulletin, p. 157
1899 The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge “ ” p. 158 1899 Need
of Church Schools “ ” p. 159 1900, March 6, 13 The Apostle Paul and