Seite 405 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Chapter 62—Sowing Beside All Waters
By invitation I attended the meeting held at Healdsburg in connec-
tion with the closing of the school year, May 29, 1903. I was glad
to learn that teachers and students had united in dispensing with the
wearisome and profitless exercises that usually attend the closing of a
school, and that the energies of all, to the very close, were devoted to
profitable study.
On Friday morning the certificates were quietly handed to those
who were entitled to them, and then students and teachers united in an
experience meeting, in which many recounted the blessings that they
had freely received from God during the year.
On Sabbath morning I spoke to a large audience in the commodious
meetinghouse of the Healdsburg church. The students and teachers
were seated in front, and I was blessed in presenting to them their
responsibility as laborers together with God. The Saviour calls upon
our teachers and students to render efficient service as fishers of men.
In the evening a large audience assembled in the church to listen
to a musical program rendered by Brother Beardslee and his pupils.
Good singing is an important part of the worship of God. I am glad
that Brother Beardslee is training the students, so that they can be
singing evangelists.
I was much pleased with what I saw of the school. During the
past year it has made marked progress. Both teachers and students are
reaching higher and still higher in the spiritual life. During the past
year there have been remarkable conversions. Lost sheep have been
found and brought back to the fold.—
The Review and Herald, July 14,