Seite 409 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Chapter 64—Shall We Colonize Around Our
Special light has been given me in regard to moving our publishing
houses and sanitariums and schools out of the cities into places more
favorable for their work, where those connected with them will not
be exposed to all the temptations of city life. Especially should our
schools be away from the cities. It is not for the spiritual good of the
workers in our institutions for them to be located in the cities, where
the temptations of the enemy abound on every hand.
The instruction given regarding the removal of the publishing work
from Battle Creek to some rural place near Washington, D.C., was
clear and distinct, and I earnestly hope that this work may be hastened.
Instruction has also been given that the Pacific Press should be
moved from Oakland. As the years have passed by, the city has grown
and it is now necessary to establish the printing plant in some more
rural place, where land can be secured for the homes of the employees.
Those who are connected with our offices of publication should not be
obliged to live in the crowded cities. They should have opportunity to
obtain homes where they will be able to live without requiring high
The apprentices in our publishing houses should receive more
fatherly care than they have had. They are to be given a thorough
training in the different lines of the printing business; and they are also
to be given every opportunity to gain a knowledge of the Bible; for the
time is at hand when believers will be scattered into many lands. The
workers in our publishing houses are to be taught what it means to be
sincere followers of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. In the past,
many souls have been left unguarded. They have not been taught what
is comprehended in the science of godliness. Not all of those who have
borne responsibilities have lived the Christian life.