Seite 432 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Chapter 69—Provision Made for Our Schools
An Appeal to Ministers, Physicians, and Teachers in Southern
The men who stand as leaders in any part of the solemn work of
the last gospel message must cultivate and cherish broad views and
ideas. It is the privilege of all who bear responsibilities in the work
of the gospel to be apt learners in the school of Christ. The professed
follower of Christ must not be led by the dictates of his own will;
his mind must be trained to think Christ’s thoughts, and enlightened
to comprehend the will and way of God. Such a believer will be a
follower of Christ’s methods of work.
Our brethren should not forget that the wisdom of God has made
provision for our schools in a way that will bring blessing to all who
participate in the enterprise. The book, “Christ’s Object Lessons,” was
donated to the educational work, that the students and other friends
of the schools might handle these books, and by their sale raise much
of the means needed to lift the school indebtedness. But this plan has
not been presented to our schools as it should have been; the teachers
and students have not been educated to take hold of this book and
courageously push its sale for the benefit of the educational work.
Long ago the teachers and students in our schools should have
learned to take advantage of the opportunity to raise means by the sale
of “Christ’s Object Lessons.” In selling these books the students will
serve the cause of God, and, while doing this, by the dissemination
of precious light, they will learn invaluable lessons in Christian ex-
perience. All our schools should now come into line, and earnestly
endeavor to carry out the plan presented to us for the education of the
workers, for the relief of the schools, and for the winning of souls to
the cause of Christ.
In the cities of Riverside, Redlands, and San Bernardino a mission
field is open to us that we have as yet only touched with the tips of
our fingers. A good work has been done there as far as our workers
have had encouragement to do it; but there is need of means to carry