Seite 44 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
We are debtors to Christ for every ability, every grace, every good
thought, and every proper action. Of ourselves we have nothing of
which to boast. In lowliness and humility, let us bow at the foot of
the cross; and let all our words and acts be such as shall win others to
Christ, and not drive them farther from Him.
I address you who reside at the great center of the work. You cannot
be careless, irreverent formalists all to yourselves. Many witnesses are
looking upon you, and many pattern after your course. An irreligious
life not only seals your own condemnation, but ruins others also. You
who live where such weighty interests are to be maintained, should
be minute men, faithful sentinels, never off guard. One incautious
moment spent in selfish ease or in self-gratification may give the enemy
an advantage which years of hard labor may not recover. Those who
choose Battle Creek for their home should be men and women of faith
and prayer, true to the interests of those around them. There is no
safety only as they walk with God.
There will be diversity of character among the youth who attend
the College at Battle Creek. They have been differently educated and
trained. Many have been left to follow the bent of their own inexperi-
enced minds. The parents have thought they loved their children, but
have proved themselves their worst enemies. They have let evil go
unrestrained. They have allowed their children to cherish sin, which is
like cherishing and petting a viper, that will not only sting the victim
who cherishes it, but all with whom he is connected.
Some of these petted children are among the students who attend
our College. Teachers, and all who are interested in the students and
would help them, have an unenviable task in seeking to benefit this
class of untamed youth. They have not been in subjection to their
parents at home, and have no idea of having a head at school or in the
homes where they board. What faith, and patience, and grace, and
wisdom are required to deal with these neglected, much-to-be-pitied
youth. The deceived parents may even take sides with the children
against school and home discipline. They would restrain others from
doing the duty God requires of them, and which they have grossly
neglected. What wisdom from God is needed to deal justly and love
mercy under these trying circumstances. How difficult to balance in the
right direction minds that have been warped by this mismanagement.
While some have been unrestrained, others have been governed too