Seite 444 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters, saith the Lord
You should study also the seventh chapter, but I will not take time
to read it now.
There is constant danger among our people that those who engage
in labor in our schools and sanitariums will entertain the idea that
they must get in line with the world, study the things which the world
studies, and become familiar with the things that the world becomes
familiar with. This is one of the greatest mistakes that could be made.
We shall make grave mistakes unless we give special attention to the
searching of the word.
The question is asked, What is the higher education? There is
no education higher than that contained in the principles laid down
in the words I have read to you from this sixth chapter of Second
Corinthians. Let our students study diligently to comprehend this.
There is no higher education to be gained than that which was given to
the early disciples, and which is given to us through the word. May the
Holy Spirit of God impress your minds with the conviction that there
is nothing in all the world in the line of education that is so exalted as
the instruction contained in the sixth and seventh chapters of Second
Corinthians. Let us advance in our work just as far as the word of God
will lead us. Let us work intelligently for this higher education. Let
our righteousness be the sign of our understanding of the will of God
committed to us through His messengers.
It is the privilege of every believer to take the life of Christ and the
teachings of Christ as his daily study. Christian education means the
acceptance, in sentiment and principle, of the teachings of the Saviour.
It includes a daily conscientious walking in the footsteps of Christ,
who consented to lay off His royal robe and crown and to come to
our world in the form of humanity, that He might give to the human
race a power that they could gain by no other means. What was that
power? It was the power resulting from the human nature uniting with
the divine, the power to take the teachings of Christ and follow them to
the letter. In His resistance of evil and His labor for others Christ was
giving to men an example of the highest education that it is possible
for any one to attain.
The Son of God was rejected by those whom He came to bless. He
was taken by wicked hands and crucified. But after He had risen from