Seite 446 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
has lost the power of growth. The mind must be trained to comprehend
the important truths that concern eternal life.
I am instructed that we are to carry the minds of our students higher
than it is now thought to be possible. Heart and mind are to be trained
to preserve their purity by receiving daily supplies from the fountain
of eternal truth. The divine Mind and Hand has preserved through the
ages the record of creation in its purity. It is the word of God alone
that gives to us an authentic account of the creation of our world. This
word is to be the chief study in our schools. In it we may hold converse
with patriarchs and prophets. In it we may learn what our redemption
has cost Him who was equal with the Father from the beginning, and
who sacrificed His life that a people might stand before Him redeemed
from everything earthly and commonplace, renewed in the image of
If we are to learn of Christ, we must pray as the apostles prayed
when the Holy Spirit was poured upon them. We need a baptism of
the Spirit of God. We are not safe for one hour while we are failing to
render obedience to the word of God.
I do not say that there should be no study of the languages. The
languages should be studied. Before long there will be a positive
necessity for many to leave their homes and go to work among those
of other languages; and those who have some knowledge of foreign
languages will thereby be able to communicate with those who know
not the truth. Some of our people will learn the languages in the
countries to which they are sent. This is the better way. And there is
One who will stand right by the side of the faithful worker to open
the understanding and to give wisdom. The Lord can make their work
fruitful where men do not know the foreign language. As they go
among the people, and present the publications, the Lord will work
upon minds, imparting an understanding of the truth. Some who take
up the work in foreign fields can teach the word through an interpreter.
As the result of faithful effort there will be a harvest gathered, the
value of which we do not now understand.
There is another line of work to be carried forward, the work in the
large cities. There should be companies of earnest laborers working in
the cities. Men should study what needs to be done in the places that
have been neglected. The Lord has been calling our attention to the