Seite 7 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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The first collection of articles from the pen of Mrs. E. G. White
on the subject of Christian education was published in 1886. The
pamphlet containing this instruction was entitled “Selections From
the Testimonies Concerning the Subject of Education.” A reprint and
enlargement of this booklet was brought out in 1893, under the title
“Christian Education.” Later a supplement to “Christian Education”
was issued containing additional matter. In 1897, “Special Testimonies
on Education” was published. This small volume contained articles
of incalculable value to our teachers. The instruction in this book
had never appeared before and constituted the major part of the au-
thor’s writings on education during the years 1893-1896. In the year
1900 a copyright was issued for Testimonies, Volume VI. This vol-
ume included a large section on education and stressed the need of
educational reform.
The book “Education” was issued in 1903, dealing with the larger
problems and principles in school work, while in 1913 “Counsels to
Teachers, Parents, and Students Regarding Christian Education” first
appeared, dealing with the many detail problems that are common in
educational practice.
The articles in this present volume have been drawn from vari-
ous sources. They have been selected from “Christian Education,”
“Special Testimonies on Education,” “Christian Temperance and Bible
Hygiene,” Review and Herald, Signs of the Times, Youth’s Instructor,
and Bible Echo. With the exception of one article, “Proper Education,”
No selections have been made from any other volumes of the author’s
writings already in print. The two manuscript articles, “Suspension of
Students” and “Correct School Discipline,” have been inserted by the
permission of the Trustees of the Mrs. E. G. White Estate and with the
counsel of the General Conference brethren. These two manuscripts
were written more than twenty-five years ago and were available at that
time to school principals. These two articles should be read together.