Seite 72 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
the mind or debase the soul, such as will not disappoint, and leave a
sad after influence to destroy self-respect or bar the way to usefulness.
If they can take Jesus with them, and maintain a prayerful spirit, they
are perfectly safe.
The Psalmist says: “The entrance of Thy words giveth light; it
giveth understanding to the simple.” As an educating power the Bible
is without a rival. No scientific works are so well adapted to develop
the mind as a contemplation of the great and vital truths and practical
lessons of the Bible. No other book has ever been printed which is so
well calculated to give mental power. Men of the greatest intellects, if
not guided by the word of God in their research, become bewildered;
they cannot comprehend the Creator or His works. But set the mind
to grasp and measure eternal truth, summon it to effort by delving
for the jewels of truth in the rich mine of the word of God, and it
will never become dwarfed and enfeebled, as when left to dwell upon
commonplace subjects.
The Bible is the most instructive and comprehensive history that
has ever been given to the world. Its sacred pages contain the only
authentic account of the creation. Here we behold the power that
“stretched forth the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth.”
Here we have a truthful history of the human race, one that is unmarred
by human prejudice or human pride.
In the word of God we find subject for the deepest thought; its
truths arouse to the loftiest aspiration. Here we hold communion
with patriarchs and prophets, and listen to the voice of the Eternal as
He speaks with men. Here we behold what the angels contemplate
with wonder,—the Son of God, as He humbled Himself to become
our substitute and surety, to cope single-handed with the powers of
darkness, and to gain the victory in our behalf.
Our youth have the precious Bible; and if all their plans and pur-
poses are tested by the Holy Scriptures, they will be led into safe paths.
Here we may learn what God expects of the beings formed in His
image. Here we may learn how to improve the present life, and how to
secure the future life. No other book can satisfy the questionings of the
mind, and the cravings of the heart. By giving heed to the teachings of
God’s word, men may rise from the lowest depths of ignorance and
degradation to become sons of God, associates of sinless angels.