Seite 79 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Danger of Reading Fictitious and Infidel Books
you. And worse than this, prayer is forgotten, and the Bible is read
with indifference or entirely neglected.
There is another class of books that you should avoid,—the pro-
ductions of such infidel writers as Paine and Ingersoll. These are often
urged upon you with the taunt that you are a coward, and afraid to read
them. Frankly tell these enemies who would tempt you—for enemies
they are, however much they may profess to be your friends—that you
will obey God, and take the Bible as your guide. Tell them that you
are afraid to read these books; that your faith in the word of God is
now altogether too weak, and you want it increased and strengthened
instead of diminished; and that you do not want to come in such close
contact with the father of lies.
I warn you to stand firm, and never do a wrong action rather than
be called a coward. Allow no taunts, no threats, no sneering remarks,
to induce you to violate your conscience in the least particular, and
thus open a door whereby Satan can come in and control the mind.
Suffer not yourselves to open the lids of a book that is questionable.
There is a hellish fascination in the literature of Satan. It is the powerful
battery by which he tears down a simple religious faith. Never feel
that you are strong enough to read infidel books; for they contain a
poison like that of asps. They can do you no good, and will assuredly
do you harm. In reading them, you are inhaling the miasmas of hell.
They will be to your soul like a corrupt stream of water, defiling the
mind, keeping it in the mazes of skepticism, and making it earthly and
sensual. These books are written by men whom Satan employs as his
agents; and by this means he designs to confuse the mind, withdraw
the affections from God, and rob your Creator of the reverence and
gratitude which His works demand.
The mind needs to be trained, and its desires controlled and brought
into subjection to the will of God.
Instead of being dwarfed and deformed by feeding on the vile trash
which Satan provides, it should have wholesome food, which will give
strength and vigor.
Young Christian, you have everything to learn. You must be an
interested student of the Bible; you must search it, comparing scripture
with scripture. If you would do your Master good and acceptable
service, you must know what He requires. His word is a sure guide; if
it is carefully studied, there is no danger of falling under the power of