Seite 92 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Chapter 13—Importance of Training in the Work of
The work of the laborer is not small or unimportant. If he gives
himself to any branch of the work, his first business is to take heed to
himself, afterward to the doctrine. He is to search his own heart and to
put away sin; then he is to keep the Pattern, Christ Jesus, ever before
him as his example. He is not to feel at liberty to shape his course as
best pleases his own inclination. He is the property of Jesus. He has
chosen a high vocation, and from it his whole future life must take its
coloring and mold. He has entered the school of Christ, and he may
obtain a knowledge of Christ and His mission, and of the work he has
to perform. All his powers must be brought under control of the great
Teacher. Every faculty of mind, every organ of the body, must be kept
in as healthy a condition as possible, so that the work of God shall not
bear the marks of his defective character.
Before a person is prepared to become a teacher of the truth to
those who are in darkness, he must become a learner. He must be
willing to be counseled. He cannot place his foot on the third, fourth,
or fifth round of the ladder of progress before he has begun at the first
round. Many feel that they are fitted for the work when they know
scarcely anything about it. If such are allowed to start out to labor in
self-confidence, they will fail to receive that knowledge which it is
their privilege to obtain, and will be doomed to struggle with many
difficulties for which they are entirely unprepared.
Now, to every worker is granted the privilege of improvement, and
he should make everything bend to that object. Whenever a special
effort is to be made in an important place, a well arranged system
of labor should be established, so that those who wish to become
colporteurs and canvassers, and those who are adapted to give Bible
readings in families, may receive the necessary instruction. Those who
are workers should also be learners, and while the minister is laboring
in word and doctrine they should not be wandering listlessly about,
as though there was nothing in the discourse which they needed to