Seite 95 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Importance of Training in the Work of God
the mold of God. They do not earnestly pray and keep the commu-
nication open between God and their souls, that they can recognize
His voice. Messengers of light will come to the help of those who feel
that they are weakness itself, without the guardianship of Heaven. The
word of God must be studied more, and be brought into the life and
character, fashioned after the standard of righteousness God has laid
down in His word. Then the mind will expand and strengthen, and be
ennobled by grasping the things that are eternal. While the world are
careless and indifferent to the message of warning and mercy given
them in the Bible, God’s people, who see the end near, should be more
decided and more devoted, and work more earnestly, that they may
show forth the praises of Him who hath called them out of darkness
into His marvelous light.
Knowledge is power, either for good or for evil. Bible religion is
the only safeguard for human beings. Much attention is given to the
youth in this age, that they may enter a room gracefully, dance, and
play on instruments of music. But this education is denied them, to
know God and to answer to His claims. The education that is lasting as
eternity, is almost wholly neglected as old-fashioned and undesirable.
The educating of the children to take hold of the work of character
building in reference to their present good, their present peace and
happiness, and to guide their feet in the path cast up for the ransomed
of the Lord to walk in, is considered not fashionable, and, therefore,
not essential. In order to have your children enter the gates of the
city of God as conquerors, they must be educated to fear God and
keep His commandments in the present life. It is these that Jesus has
pronounced blessed: “Blessed are they that do His commandments,
that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through
the gates into the city.”
The blessing is pronounced upon those who are familiar with the
revealed will of God in His word. The Bible is the great agent in the
hands of its Author to strengthen the intellect. It opens the garden of
the mind to the cultivation of the heavenly Husbandman. It is because
there is so little attention given to what God says and to that which God
requires, that there are so few who have any burden to do missionary
work, so few who have been passing under drill, calling into service
every power to be trained and strengthened to do higher service for