Seite 212 - The Great Controversy (1911)

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The Great Controversy
Then the blood of martyrs gave fresh impetus to the movement.
The papist leaders, suddenly awakening to the danger that threatened
their cause, brought to the stake some of the noblest and most honored
of the sons of Scotland. They did but erect a pulpit, from which
the words of these dying witnesses were heard throughout the land,
thrilling the souls of the people with an undying purpose to cast off
the shackles of Rome.
Hamilton and Wishart, princely in character as in birth, with a long
line of humbler disciples, yielded up their lives at the stake. But from
the burning pile of Wishart there came one whom the flames were not
to silence, one who under God was to strike the death knell of popery
in Scotland.
John Knox had turned away from the traditions and mysticisms of
the church, to feed upon the truths of God’s word; and the teaching of
Wishart had confirmed his determination to forsake the communion of
Rome and join himself to the persecuted Reformers.
Urged by his companions to take the office of preacher, he shrank
with trembling from its responsibility, and it was only after days of
seclusion and painful conflict with himself that he consented. But
having once accepted the position, he pressed forward with inflexible
determination and undaunted courage as long as life continued. This
truehearted Reformer feared not the face of man. The fires of martyr-
dom, blazing around him, served only to quicken his zeal to greater
intensity. With the tyrant’s ax held menacingly over his head, he stood
his ground, striking sturdy blows on the right hand and on the left to
demolish idolatry.
When brought face to face with the queen of Scotland, in whose
presence the zeal of many a leader of the Protestants had abated, John
Knox bore unswerving witness for the truth. He was not to be won
by caresses; he quailed not before threats. The queen charged him
with heresy. He had taught the people to receive a religion prohibited
by the state, she declared, and had thus transgressed God’s command
enjoining subjects to obey their princes. Knox answered firmly:
“As right religion took neither original strength nor authority from
worldly princes, but from the eternal God alone, so are not subjects
bound to frame their religion according to the appetites of their princes.
For oft it is that princes are the most ignorant of all others in God’s
true religion.... If all the seed of Abraham had been of the religion